ita | eng
Gavi del Comune di Gavi docg "Fior di Rovere"
This is a maximum quality, expressed in perfumes and flavour, attainable.
The result is a long experience and careful selection from the oldest vineyards in Rovereto (very heart of the Gavi) and a natural and particular vinification that concedes nothing to modern sistems.
Everything takes place with the most scrupulous respect for ancient, traditional criteria.
Organolectic characteristics
Recommended food accompaniments: Excellent right through a meal.
Best consumption period: At any time, excellent in its first few years, it retains its characteristic very well with time.
Serving Temperature: 12-15 °C.
Appearance: Straw colour with delicate greenish hints.
Nose: Intense, continuous, long with flavours varying from fruitness to florality depending on its stage of evolution.
Palate: Strongly Typical of Gavi, rich in body, with balancing acidity and an attractive flavour of almonds.
Località Moncalvi 82, Rovereto - Gavi (AL)
Tel. + 39 0143 682112 - Cell. +39 348 8056991
p.iva 01771640065
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